Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 13 - Emotional release pt. 1

Over the next two weeks in Stress management we'll be exploring emotional release. You'll find out how emotions become stored in the body, how these emotions can be released by massage and bodywork, and how to deal with an emotional release.

Tasks for this week

Please continue the email discussion around relaxation methods

I notice that no-one has yet contributed to the Google document- Feelings and their physical expression. Please take the time to notice how your body responds to emotions through this week and next week, and record your findings in this document.

You have two readings from the week. These will be emailed to you.
  1. Emotional responses & Tissue memory from Outcome-based massage (2nd ed), Andrade & Clifford
  2. Emotional release (p 1-7) from The psychology of the body, Greene & Goodrich-Dunn
After reading through these documents, please take some time to complete the exercise in the second reading which is in Box 6.2 - Exploring how you respond to client's emotions and behaviours. The purpose of this exercise is to prepare you for a client's emotional release.

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